Competency Assessment

Most assessment systems and examination systems are knowledge based i.e. they test that a student has acquired a certain level of knowledge in a particular subject. Competency assessment, on the other hand, test that the student has a particular level of competency in a particular subject e.g. can carry out a particular task. While there is some overlap between knowledge testing and competency testing, the latter is focused more on tasks and procedures.

ASTech has helped a number of clients in competency assessment particularly in engineering and technician work areas. In some cases, simulations have been used to determine that the engineers carry out the correct procedure - particularly in safety related areas. In other cases, carefully crafted MCQ and essay type questions based on realistic scenarios are used in determining a subjest's competency.

Examples of ASTech's work are:

  • NOSTRA (Network Operator Switching Training Simulator) which can be used for both training and assessment of network operator's competence in carrying out switching operations in power stations and distribution networks.
  • eNTAS (Online Network Technician Assessment System) is a competency assessment system for electric technicians in distribution networks. It comprises both MCQ assessments on safety procedures and a small-scale simularor which allows the creation and editing of switching plans.

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