Training Needs Gap Analysis

A Needs Assessment is a systematic investigation of the current status of an organisation, group or individual and desired status and how we get there.

Conducting a Needs Assessment will allow us to decide:

  • What changes in behavior and performance are expected
  • What training needs to be performed
  • Costs and benefits of any projected solutions
Conducting a Gap Analysis is a critical step in Needs Assessment. It allows us to determe the 'gap' between currrent knowledge or competency and the desired level. ASTech has assisted clients in setting up online training and assessment systems which can be used in Gap Analysis.

The ATSEP (Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel) Gap Analysis tool developed by ASTech is a particular example. The ATSEP tool is designed for air traffic control training and provides an online repository to training documentation and a bank of MCQ questions appropriately classified based on the topics and sections in the training documentation. Customised exams can be generated using either random selection of questions or with manual selection for individual engineers or groups. Various reports are available including an item analysis to identify areas where (re) training may be required.

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